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What it’s like to be a Go Graduate in Sales and Marketing at Essity


Sarah Repko started off at college for Nursing and then her interest changed and she started studying Marketing. During her college job search, she wanted to find somewhere that intersected her desires for a health field position but also a sales role. That’s where Essity came in.

Abigail Scalise didn’t study marketing, she did her undergrad in finance and economics and her MBA was in international business. A lot of her internships were in marketing though, and it ended up feeling more like ‘her thing’, and that’s how she ended up at Essity.

Tell us about how you ended up at Essity and about your role?

Sarah: “I saw Essity was a health and hygiene company that was also global, which really interested me. I saw the Go Program and applied for the Sales part of the program. It sparked my curiosity because I knew it would provide a space for personal and professional growth. They provide the support and foundation within all departments in the company. 

As a Sales Candidate, I can cycle through all the departments which help you get immersed into the company. Day to day I’m currently working with customer service which is a great opportunity to have a direct line to the consumer, and I’m looking forward to the Marketing and Sales rotations too. I’ve only been with Essity for two months but I’ve been able to meet with a lot of different people, so it’s been amazing in that way.”

Abigail: “When I was finishing my MBA, I saw the job posting online and so I headed to LinkedIn and messaged a girl who was already in the program in Munich. I asked about her experience in the Program, and we had a long conversation about Essity. She had nothing but good things to say about the company and the Program so I knew it would be a good fit. I started the application process and now I’m here!

I’m in Go Grad Marketing right now, in customer marketing which is my current rotation. I support the entire team and I’m currently developing a training program right now.

I started the program in June this year, and it’s a two-year program. I’m expected to relocate to Philadelphia because that’s where our headquarters are. With Covid, most of my rotations will be within the US, but I am looking to do one abroad if that’s possible.”

In what way do you see yourself growing at Essity in the future? 

Sarah: “Essity provides such a strong foundation. It gives you multiple perspectives because it’s a global company. I’ve met people in my graduate class and within the company from all over the globe and we’ve been able to speak and connect so we can learn from each other. I find that I’m able to approach problems better because I’ve gained the customer service and sales mentality. You also learn different ways to solve problems which is really helpful for you.”

Abigail: “One of my passions is having friendships all over the world, and I wanted to focus my career on a more global scale. The company is so open to growth and they’re open to you finding your niche and helping you grow. I’d like to scale my marketing career globally. 

I’ve only been here 4 months and I’m owning projects, taking on new projects and even creating my own. The freedom to develop yourself and your career means I would love to take on a permanent position after my two years.”

“Essity has a very unique working culture and it’s definitely a rare one”

What kind of career opportunities are there? 

Sarah: “I’m seeing so many different perspectives and departments; Essity allows you to apply for all their different programs so you can pick your path, make connections and meet people along the way. You could do customer service, account management or many other roles. Essity helps you to pursue whatever you desire and assist you with the right tools and foundation. 

I’ll be moving to the Marketing rotation in January and then Sales and Account management later on next year, which could allow for travel and ride alongs with other Sales Reps which is a great opportunity.”

Abigail: “Within professional hygiene, which is my current unit, they’ve told me there’s always a space for me. Many of the employees have transitioned from one unit to a completely different one, which reinforces how open they are to change and movement.”

How would you describe the working culture at Essity? 

Sarah: “They really care for their employees. Co-workers are positive, validating, and welcoming. Even though I’m young, Essity encourages collaboration and connecting across departments. There isn’t a typical hierarchical structure; I can talk to everyone from higher management to HR and they ensure you’re supported and mentored (especially within the Go Program).

I meet with the other Go Graduates every week too, so there’s a sense of community and connection there too.”

Abigail: “Essity has a very unique working culture and it’s definitely a rare one. The people are always willing to help; I’m relocating to Philadelphia and I’ve had people offering to help me move. They’re open to redirecting you if you need help and everyone wants everyone else to succeed. They’re all so friendly and willing to assist.”

What makes Essity a good employer in your opinion? 

Sarah: “They’ve provided so much support for on-boarding, especially during the pandemic. It was something I looked for while job hunting because the pandemic can make things very complicated and stressful. At Essity, they provide a counselling line if you need support during the pandemic, which shows a huge amount of care for employees, throughout their entire life and not just during working hours.

Even though I’ve only been with Essity for two months, everyone has been so encouraging to me and they care so much about interpersonal connections. I’ve had so many inspiring interactions with the various teams. 

The other thing that has stood out for me is the strong women that are present in the workplace at Essity. They care about diversity which is important to me since I was a part of the Women in Business organization during college.”

Abigail: “They’re big on work-life balance as well as health and hygiene. You’re expected to finish all your work, but the company values your time off and they’re super understanding about needing personal time to do important things. Anything they can do to help you better your career, they’re always on board.”

Interviewee information:
Name: Sarah Repko
Title: Go Graduate Sales Candidate
Education: Bachelors in Business Administration, Marketing from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Interviewee information:
Name: Abigail Scalise
Title: GO Graduate Marketing Candidate
Education:B.S. Finance, B.A. Economics, State University of New York at Fredonia MBA International Business, Canisius College

Gabrielle Akal