Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29


Frequently asked questions

Our GO! Programs have different lengths

- Manufacturing 9 months

- Sales up to 18 months

- Marketing up to 24 months

To qualify for the GO! Program you need a bachelor's or equivalent higher education (college/university) degree. Applicants with a Master's degree are of course also welcome to apply.

For 2024 we are hiring in Germany, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Australia, Spain, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico and Brasil.  

Yes, but these will differ by program.

- Sales: GO! Graduates will rotate into different Sales functions within their home country

- Manufacturing: GO! Graduates will rotate through 3 modules – 3-4 months onboarding on site, 1 month TPM School and then 3 months at a TPM Center of Excellence site e.g. Hoogezand, NL.

- Marketing: GO! Graduates may rotate internationally or cross-functionally, depending on individual development plans.

Before starting the program, you will know which position you will land at after the program. The whole GO! experience is your preparation and development to your individual position.

As a GO! Graduate, you will receive a salary that is competitive for an entry level position.

Yes, every GO! Graduate will be assigned a mentor during the program.

If you're interested in more than one function area or if you're open to being based in different countries, you are welcome to apply to multiple positions.

Yes, we welcome applicants from all over the world with a valid residence and work permit. Please note that in some GO! positions knowledge of the local language may be important.

You can search by using the keyword 'GO' in the search on our job opportunities page, or use the filters to see available positions in your desired function and/or country.

Further questions?

GO! Graduate Program
Recruitment process
Open GO! Positions