Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29


Global Handwashing Day


Global Handwashing Day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases. Essity and Global Handwashing Partnership have advocated and educated for clean hands and proper hand hygiene for all for many years.

During the COVID-19 pandemic it became obvious to the world that proper hand hygiene can save lives for people everywhere. Unfortunately, there are still millions of people in many parts of the world that do not even have access to proper hand hygiene facilities. We aim to create awareness around this, and how important proper hand hygiene is throughout your day, no matter where you are or who you are. 

On this page you find several insights, stories and links – and together with Tork, our leading professional hygiene brand – we have actively been doing a lot of work on setting the new hygiene standard and help our customers and users with proper training and solutions.

Explore the Tork Clean Care™ programme

The award winning Tork VR Clean Hands training is now available on all devices! Try it now on

Promoting hand hygiene with behavioral change

How to successfully create a sustained behavior

In this whitepaper three scientists present a strategic model to change hand hygiene behavior. The model includes the components of system change, education, reminders and feedback to result in cultural change. This model can be relevant regardless of it being implemented in, for example, hospitals, food processing, kindergartens or at home.

Facts about handwashing impact according to Global Handwashing Partnership factsheet
  • Handwashing can reduce diarrheal diseases by 30% to 48%.

  • Handwashing can reduce acute respiratory infections by 20%.

  • Handwashing is also key in the fight against COVID-19. Handwashing with soap destroys the outer membrane of the virus and thereby inactivates it.

  • One study found that regular handwashing with soap can reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 infection by 36%.
Global Handwashing Partnership

We are an active partner to Global Handwashing Partnership who works to save children’s lives and improve health by promoting handwashing with soap. These days, we realize more than ever that washing hands can help you prevent from getting infections and even save lives.

This year’s theme is "Clean hands are within reach" and on this site you will find lots of insights, tips and links to more information about proper handwashing.

Listen to the scientist

How to wash hands properly

See what Carolyn Berland, our Senior Scientist has to say.

About the Hygiene and Health Survey

In the global websurvey, we gather insights from general public from ~15,000 respondents in 15 countries aged 16-85. The latest survey from 2023 covers three topics: The care economy, Prevention for preparedness in hygiene and health, and Investing in women+'s and girls' health and well-being. On the below link you’ll find the key highlights. 

Hygiene and Health Report 2023

Hygiene and Health Survey 2022

Hygiene and Health Survey 2020-2021

Hygiene and Health Survey 2018-2019​

Gambling with hygiene?

Ever wondered what the more hygienic and safer option is to hand drying? There is really only one alternative, check out our film. For more info on why and how, check out this Tork hand drying site.


Essity and its brand Tork are advocates for hand hygiene in the critical moments as determined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Good hand hygiene has a big influence on health and well-being of our loved ones for everyone. We aim to inform people about the critical moments of handwashing and proper handwashing methods with water and soap, preventing over-use of disinfectants, sanitizers and handwashing when this is not needed