Essity B 286.2 (-3.6 SEK) on 29-Mar-2025 17:29


Insights through Surveys and Reports

Menopause Study Cover

As a leading global hygiene an health company, Essity has gathered knowledge and insights to drive a global dialogue about the strong connection between hygiene, health and well-being.

Since 2008 we have done research globally and gathered cases, insights and expert voices on topics around menstruation, incontinence and public and personal hygiene and health. With these insights we want to generate awareness around the challenges and opportunities we have to improve hygiene and health standards for people and society. On this site, you will find links to the most recent global surveys and reports.​

Menopause Insight Study

We have conducted the biggest international menopause insight study with 16 000 women and 11 countries.

Watch the video above or learn more here

Female Elderly With Caretaker Using Wheelchair
About the Hygiene and Health Reports

We offer insights by combining research findings, statistical evidence, successful cases and testimonies from people whose voices are rarely heard. We also highlight solutions and actions that we find critical for improving hygiene and health standards across the globe and for every part of life’s course.

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About the Hygiene and Health Surveys

In the global websurvey, we gather insights from general public from ~15,000 respondents in 15 countries aged 16-85. The latest survey from 2022-2023 covers a variety of topics. On the below link you’ll find the key highlights. 

Myth Infographics
Hygiene and Health Myths

We asked people in a variety of topics about their hygiene and health knowledge with true and false statements. More than half of respondents answer to ’not know’ or answer incorrect.

Kids With Father In Forest
The Green Response Report 2020-2021

The lifestyle changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 were sudden and significant. The Green Response report aims to understand if the lifestyle changes demanded by the global pandemic have impacted the way in which international communities feel and behave towards the environment.

Young Women At Seaside
2022 Global Hygiene & Health Survey

Watch the highlight from our global study.

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Watch our inspirational film

To improve the well-being of people in the future, we have looked into how we shape the future and make it happen today.