To Essity, our suppliers and partners are essential to our business. We expect a lot from our suppliers in terms of innovation, quality, sustainability and responsible business conduct. In selecting suppliers, us in Global Procurement looks at performance, we require compliance and we work to achieve continuous improvements and overall commitment.
By sourcing from suppliers who share the same values as outlined in our Global Supplier Standard, we will continuously promote responsible business practices and respect for human rights in our supply chain.
We expect our suppliers to offer committed, pro-active collaboration that helps achieve cost savings, meet environmental and quality targets and to develop and provide innovations. We also need our suppliers’ full commitment to support us on our sustainability journey with focus on people, planet and profit throughout the entire value chain.
Below we describe some of Essity’s core expectations on its suppliers in the areas of sustainability, quality and commercial. For clarification purposes, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional expectations/guidelines depending on the material, goods and services provided.