4.1 Chemicals of special concern 

Essity has identified chemical substances of special concern that are, therefore, subject to prohibitions and restrictions. The lists of such substances can be found in Annex A2. In addition to the chemicals in Annex A2, specific requirements on chemicals for different types of goods may exist. Detailed descriptions of chemicals requirements will be provided when needed. Statements on compliance to Essity requirements will be requested for goods.

4.2 Safety assessments

Essity has defined procedures for assessing the safety of goods and final products for their intended use. These procedures and the subsequent requirements could be different for different types of goods. Bought in finished goods must also clear a safety assessment in which information about finished goods and/or its included materials/components is normally required and assessed the same way as for other goods supplied.

For goods where a chemical assessment is needed, e g for chemical substances, chemical mixtures and for materials used for production of hygiene articles, detailed information on chemical content in goods is required. This information includes chemical names, CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) numbers and the concentration (as % w/w). Without this information Essity cannot fulfil its obligation to only place safe products on the market. Chemical assessments often require information from sub-suppliers. A supporting role of the main supplier is hereby expected by Essity.  

The received chemical composition is thoroughly checked against chemical lists and other data sources. Also known impurities and contaminants are assessed. In many cases a toxicological risk assessment (TRA) is performed. It includes hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization.

The supplier shall inform Essity via defined contacts (preferably the Product safety function) about all changes of compositions of goods and changes in classification (e.g., according to CLP/UN GHS) of the components/substances contained in the goods, as this could impact the safety assessment.

4.3 Regulatory compliance and Supplier Chemical management

Approval to use goods for production and to place products on the market also requires compliance with relevant legislation and standards. Detailed descriptions of regulatory compliance requirements for specific goods will be provided when needed. Statements on regulatory compliance will be requested for goods. What is relevant varies with type of material/component/article and the intended market for the Essity product

Legislation in the following areas (but not limited to these areas) is relevant to the Essity product portfolio:

  • General product safety
  • Chemicals 
  • Cosmetics
  • Medical devices
  • Biocides
  • Food contact 
  • Electrical equipment
  • Textiles
  • Toys
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Transport of dangerous goods

See also Annex A3

Other types of legislation and standards may also apply. 

Suppliers may be required to follow chemical legislation for parts of the world other than where the goods are delivered, as the final Essity product may be distributed globally.

Regarding EU  REACH  Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals),  Essity requires suppliers supplying within and to the EU to take full responsibility for, registering, notifying and/or applying for authorization as and when required. This also applies when customs documents identify Essity as the importer. 

A non-exhaustive list of legislations and abbreviations relevant to Essity businesses can be found in Annex A3.

4.4 Other information

Depending on the type of goods, Supplier will be asked to provide information that may include: 

  • SDS (Safety Data Sheet) according to relevant legislation (e.g., REACH Regulation or GHS) or other relevant Safety information when an SDS is not applicable.
  • Information on restricted substances
  • Technical product specification
  • Information on impurities, e.g., residual monomers.
  • Information on toxicological/ safety tests already performed (e.g., cytotoxicity, skin irritation or sensitization tests).
  • Information on safety performance, including fire rating, and compliance tests performed (e.g., for toys and dispensers).
  • Product information file, according to EU cosmetics legislation.

 Essity has a restrictive view on the use of animal testing and is committed to reducing animal testing to the absolute minimum. 

See Essity position on Animal testing.

4.6 Confidentiality

If Supplier prefers, a confidentiality agreement can be signed restricting the use of the detailed information to the persons responsible for performing the product safety assessment, and only for the purpose of assessing health, regulatory,  environmental and safety aspects of the goods. 

4.7 Supplier Chemicals management and Quality Assurance

4.7.1 Contamination prevention and hygiene control

The production of goods for Essity shall take place under controlled conditions. A contamination risk assessment and related contamination prevention shall be performed in accordance with methodologies laid out in recognized standards/guidelines. The risk assessment shall be reviewed/ updated each time a change is introduced in the production process to prevent, minimize, or eliminate risks for contamination of the goods supplied as far as possible.

4.7.2 All goods (excluding industrial chemicals and auxiliaries)

For all goods (excluding industrial chemicals and auxiliaries) the controlled conditions shall include contamination production and in the handling of raw materials, as well as intermediate and finished goods. Production of goods shall follow the current GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) applicable for the type of goods involved. Supplier must have in place recognized and appropriate standards for hygiene control in its production processes and premises (including personal hygiene and hygiene control of premises and equipment).

4.7.3 Industrial chemicals and auxiliaries

Industrial chemicals and auxiliaries shall be produced according to common industry standards in accordance with quality and traceability requirements which are at least as stringent as those laid out in ISO 9001. All chemicals must be delivered at the purity and quality levels required by the relevant raw material specification (e.g., for food contact or technical quality, depending on the type of chemical and how it will be used).