Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29


Supplier Climate Action & Target Setting

Improving well-being for people with less impact on the planet

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time and its global effects are far-reaching. As one of the world’s leading hygiene and health companies, Essity is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. We are working to overcome global challenges with innovations throughout our business and operations, across all our brands, and through partnerships and cooperation. 

At Essity, leading in sustainability has always been at the core of our business. Our strategies and actions enable our customers and consumers to make more sustainable choices. As a global company, we have the scale and reach to drive progress through our business and contribute to collective action. We cooperate with suppliers, customers, consumers, governments, NGOs and industry peers to drive the change the world so urgently needs. 

Our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 is fully integrated with our vision to improve well-being through leading hygiene and health solutions and to profitably grow our business for the future. 


Essity’s supplier climate target

To achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we need to act throughout our entire value chain. We have set targets under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) that include Scopes 1, 2 and 3 – for more information: Greenhouse gas emissions (

The raw materials and products that we source from our suppliers accounts for ~20% of our total emissions and for us, to achieve our net zero ambitions, we expect all our suppliers to join us on this crucial journey. Essity expects all suppliers to actively work to reduce emissions, both in terms of energy and electricity involved in their manufacturing processes, transportation and sourcing of goods supplied. Supplier must have a climate strategy in place including an energy and electricity program with defined activities and goals for improving energy efficiency and reducing climate impact. We will give preference to those suppliers who increase their proportionate use of renewable energy and electricity and work with alternative materials/goods that are more environmentally sound. Furthermore, we promote transport modes with low emissions per ton-kilometer and the optimization of freight and transport between suppliers and Essity

We are now asking you, as a supplier to Essity, to set a climate target that:

  • Meet the 1.5°C target and to halve your absolute emissions within a 10-year period (short-term target)
  • Will make you to reach net zero emissions by 2050 (long-term target)

Reporting of set target and progress:

  • Share the target with your Essity Procurement contact person (e.g. Procurement manager), including your plan and key actions to reach the set target 
  • Make the target public through e.g. your website or annual report or an organization such as SBTi or SME Climate Hub 
  • The target progress should be reported on an annual basis by suppliers sharing progress publicly through your website and/or annual report. Include your Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emission, in line with GHG Protocol, in your annual target reporting
  • Target progress shall also be reported to Essity on an annual basis by suppliers sharing their emissions and footprint data, for the materials and goods delivered to Essity

Guidelines on how to set a climate target

Action begins by acknowledging the climate crisis and committing as a company to align with the 1.5°C ambition and to assign the required resources. This requires climate leadership from top management. But it is also about democratizing climate work, to ensure that all employees can contribute, and identifying and empowering potential climate leaders across the organisation

For further information on how to set a climate target, to align with the 1.5°C ambition, please see:

  • 1.5°C Business Playbook – a guide for your organization to align strategy and action with the 1.5°C ambition. Free to use and distribute.

  • SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) – used to set 1.5°C aligned targets and has useful information for how to calculate targets. Often used by larger companies.

  • SME Climate Hub – a one-stop-shop for small and medium-sized companies on how to commit, act and report on climate action with free tools and guides for the different stages.

  • 1.5°C Supplier Engagement Guide – provides support on how to work in your own supply chain with the 1.5°C ambition.

  • UN-backed Race to Zero Campaign – the largest ever global climate action campaign with all its members committed to accelerating the delivery of climate action in line with the science of halving global emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible.

We look forward to you, as a supplier to Essity, to joining us on this necessary transformation with the ambition to keep global warming at 1.5°C. Thank you for your commitment and valuable support.