Date: 13 November, 2024 

Time: 14.00 – 16.00 CET

At Essity, leading in sustainability has always been at the core of our business. Our strategies and actions enable our customers and consumers to make more sustainable choices. 

Together with our suppliers, we drive continuous improvements and create value. With this webinar we aim to empower our supply partners by clearly communicating our expectations and boosting active engagement in climate action within our value chain. We will launch our enhanced climate action strategy, aligning with our updated science-based targets with focus on connecting decarbonization efforts with regulations, business, people, and the planet. 

Feel free to reach out to your Essity procurement contact for more information.


14.00​ Hosts kick-off and short video​

14.05-14.10​ Welcome​
Jessica Nordlinder, Vice President Global Procurement​

14.10-15.00 Inspiring Guest Speakers share insights on the business and customer perspectives on climate action.​
Ulrika Kolsrud, President Health & Medical, Essity Group​
Duncan Phillips, Vice President, Consumer Goods Baby/Feminine, Global Brand, Innovation & Sustainability​
Ole Lund Hansen, Chief Global Operations, United Nations Global Compact discusses the latest trends in climate action.

15.00-15.10​ Break​

15.10-15.40​ Expert Sessions with dive deep into the specifics of climate action, including requirements and advanced strategies​
Stefan Henricson, Sustainable Sourcing Manager ​
Nicole Anderson Brodin, Sustainable Sourcing Manager.​

15.40-15.55​ Q&A​

15.55-16.00​ Closing​