Essity’s credit rating

Essity is rated by Moody’s Investor Service and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) since 2016. Moody’s assigned a long-term rating of Baa1 with Negative outlook 27 October 2016 and confirmed the rating 20 December 2016 and again 12 January 2017. Moody’s changed the outlook from negative to stable 26 June 2018, which was affirmed 14 June 2019, 24 August 2020, 11 August 2021, 6 June 2022, 29 June 2023, and 20 June 2024. S&P assigned a long-term rating to Essity of BBB+ with a stable outlook, which was affirmed 20 December 2016, 24 January 2017, 20 April 2018, 21 December 2018, 15 July 2020, 6 September 2021, and 30 October 2023.