Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29


Data per share

All performance measures include items affecting comparability unless otherwise stated.

SEK per share unless otherwise indicated

2023 2022
Earnings per share before and after dilution1) 13.60 7.93
Adjusted earnings per share2)3) 17.56 11.60
Average price during the year 271.72 250.44
Closing price, December 31 250.00 273.30
Cash flow from current operations 16.55 5.82
Cash flow from operating activities 27.16 14.24
Dividend 7.75 7.25
Dividend yield, % 3.1 2.7
P/E ratio4) 18 34
P/E ratio, excluding items affecting comparability4) 14 24
Price/EBITA5) 14 26
Price/EBITA, excluding items affecting comparability5) 12 21
Beta coefficient6) 0.28 0.64
Pay-out ratio, % 57 91
Equity 113 109
Number of registered shares, December 31 (millions) 702.3 702.3

1) Total operations.

2) Continuing operations.

3) Excluding items affecting comparability and amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets.

4) Share price at year-end divided by earnings per share.

5) Market capitalization plus net debt plus non-controlling interests divided by EBITA (EBITA = operating profit before amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets).

6) Share price volatility compared with the entire stock exchange.