Essity B 311.6 (+3.6 SEK) on 01-Sep-2024 17:29


Frequently Asked Questions

When was Essity founded?

Essity was listed on Nasdaq Stockholm on June 15, 2017. We used to be SCA, founded in Sweden 1929. Our expertise in hygiene begins with the acquisition of the Swedish company Mölnlycke in 1975. Through Mölnlycke, our roots stretch as far back as to 1849.

Learn more in our History section

What's is your position on fiber sourcing and responsible forest managment?

All the wood fiber we source and use must come from suppliers that are certified according to FSC® or PEFC™ standards. Our demand is that the fiber at a minimum will always meet the FSC® Controlled Wood standard, which means that the origin of the fiber has been verified by an independent third party.

Read more on the outcome of our work with fiber sourcing in our Annual and Sustainability report