Essity’s commitment in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is specified in the Group’s targets, stating that gender distribution at all management levels is to be within the interval 40/60%. In addition, the company is committed to offering an inclusive work environment for all employees, as well as accelerating representation for underrepresented groups.
LEAD Network is a non-profit and volunteer-led organisation committed to attracting, retaining and advancing women in the Consumer Goods and Retail sector in Europe. By signing the CEO Gender Equity Pledge industry leaders commit to collectively increasing the LEAD Network Gender Diversity Scorecard (GDS) in the Consumer Goods & Retail industry by five percentage points, from 37% (2023) to 42% by 2027, and to building a plan to achieve gender parity over the next decade.
“At Essity, we know that an inclusive culture is key to deeper engagement and more insightful decision-making. By signing the CEO Gender Equity Pledge, we further emphasise our determination to ensure an inclusive work environment for all,” said Magnus Groth.
The pledge was signed at Essity’s head office in Stockholm by Magnus Groth – President and CEO, Volker Zöller – President, Consumer Goods EMEA, Anna Sävinger Åslund – Chief HR Officer and Pablo Fuentes – President, Professional Hygiene.